off the top of my head
1 The Beatles-Pretty easy choice to make the list
2 Queens of the Stone age-pretty much carried the flag for Rock music in the Twenty first century
3 Led Zeppelin-Man this band was ummm Something special
4 The Doors- Jim morrosion ... Nuff said
5 The Who-Man what a Supergroup if u ask me
6 AC/DC- u cant have rock without Let there be ROCK !!!!
7 Boston- dont know much about this band but there deff good enought to make Teh list my MOM and Dad prob worship them like Rock gods
8 Bob dylan-Yeah he had Folk records but he also had sweet Rock albums
9 Jack WHite- everything this man did he like a man possesd The white stripes,THe raconteurs ,Dead weather
10 DOWN- I guess my Homer pick DOWN pretty much respresent Everything that is rock THe sound touch taste smell everything LOL