Originally Posted by Darkest Hour
That last sentence was an afterthought. Yes, i believe there are aliens out there. If i had to bet money on it, i would say there is probably something intelligent in our own galaxy. There is nothing about what i said that denies aliens exist or anything anyways, it was just something i was thinking at the time.
Anyways, how much of this stuff do you think the government is covering up?
The government gets involved in a lot of stuff they don't want us to know about, for instance 'remote viewing'. It's based on the idea that our awareness can travel outside the body, i.e. (out of body experience).We started using this in the 70's when we found out Russia and China were already using them. Psychics w/ E.S.P. are brought in to view certain Earth coordinates to perceive possible threats.
That's pretty outlandish, but at risk of being persecuted, I'm forced to recall the part in 2012 Enigma, where D.W. is talking to the guy formerly involved in the Philadelphia Experiment, who while still in the military, said he was going to work every day in an underground base in Mars. You just step into a portal here on Earth, and are tranpsorted to Mars, sounds fuking waktastic, but he seemed totally sincere in the presentation.
So yeah, I believe they consistently cover up extraterrestrial phenomena, and while I think E.T.'s can communicate w/ us and do, I really don't think they would have enough trust in the government to make them their contacts. I also believe they cover up info. about inter-dimensional portals, like the one near Hudson Valley U.F.O. sightings and Bermuda Triangle, and obviously they would never want U.S. taxpayers to know their money is going to support some kind of extrasensory weapons inspections to supplement our own C.L.I.A.(ClackofIA), so, imo there's a shiload of stuff going on that we don't know and probably will know about in a few more years.