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Old 07-18-2009, 11:19 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I guess I'll have to be the first one to post an actual answer to the question...being a formerly huge Blink fan as a teenager

I think Tom's voice fit with Blink, because it's pop punk and you don't have to sing well. I never really liked the vocals in the band overall, but they did fit with that kind of music. And on Dude Ranch Tom has a certain young rasp to his voice that seemed to work better than the almost faux-british whiny sound he developed later, i.e. pronouncing his "I's" like "oi"

But as far as Angels and Airwaves go, and his assessments about how the band would change the world - it's laughable. And it's mainly because of his voice. The music is supposed to be atmospheric and pretty, but his voice comes in like nails on a chalkboard when combined with something like that. I can't enjoy that band or anything "mature" sounding he does because his voice will always ruin it. He can sing for a fun jokey party band like Blink, thats it. You can't sing like Tom Delonge if your band is supposed to be "changing the world"
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