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Old 07-18-2009, 03:19 AM   #146 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crash_override View Post
Between the Buried and Me is a band that only suits people who enjoy a wide variety of music (including extreme metal), but are incredibly talented at whatever they do.

As far as your Thrice comp goes, I would DL it, if I didn't already own every album of theirs (except Identity Crisis, because it blows big time). Great choice of band though. Nice to see Thrice love on MB these days.
Yes they are very talented, the growling just always bothers me in music like that and I dont ever get used to it. I can deal with screaming, sometimes even like it, stuff like Dillinger Escape Plan I'm ok with - but the deep death metal style growls are so off putting to me.

Thrice is a great band, nice to see someone appreciates the brilliant recent stuff the band has put out - and I agree, while I loved Identity Crisis when I was 15, it truly sounds immature and almost laughable nearly 10 years later. There are a few songs I still enjoy being nostalgic, and I put "T&C" on the mix just to show something from that era - but if I wasnt trying to vary the mix in different eras It would be all Vheissu-now...I do like Artist, and most of Illusion, but if i heard them for the first time today after something mindblowing like the Water EP I wouldn't be impressed
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