Originally Posted by Antonio
uh, yeah.....just wondering, did anyone download any of the comps that i made?
I find Between the Buried and Me's music interesting but the amount of metal growling is too much for me...Selkies is a great song though, the ending is one of the most beautiful guitar parts ive ever heard. I just find whenever I listen to them, I feel like I have to "suffer through" the growly metal parts to hear the good melodic parts.
I would have downloaded it otherwise to give it a shot, but I've heard most of their stuff.
On another note, I noticed no one seemed to download my Thrice mix, according to megaupload...I spent a ****load of time on that, especially the whole writeup of the history of the band and such and the others I plan to upload soon, so I'm wondering if anyone checked it out or plans to - because as much as I love making mixes, I don't think I wanna keep spending big chunks of time on something no one's listening to.
again, the ones I mainly planned on putting up soon are Essential Smashing Pumpkins, Beginner guide to real Emo, Guide to Hum, Guide to Shoegaze, Guide to Catherine Wheel, and possibly a Guided By Voices mix that focus on more than just their lo-fi indie days. If any of you are still interested in any of those, let me know. Otherwise I'll just do the ones that were requested