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Old 07-17-2009, 11:42 PM   #10 (permalink)
Souls of Sound Sailors
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
I actually go through the exact same thing once in a while. TOday was very much like that. Nothing cures it like pulling out an out a great and trusted album and just giving it your undivided attention.
There will always be gaps in your collection and there will always be new and fantastic albums and artists that you haven't heard yet. Sometimes you just have to resign yourself to that fact and quit obsessing for a little while.
It's like the guy who spends so much time working that he has no time to spend his money. Sit back, relax, put the music search on hold for an hour or two, or even a day or two, and just get completely lost in some of the great music you already have its what its there for.
The great hunt will continue when you're done, but you won't feel so overwhelmed about it.
I completely agree with satch. I decided to go on a music enlightment about six or eight months ago, and I often feel this way. I have over 1300 albums on my mediamonkey right now, and i have a strong urge to listen to every single one. Literally, man, every single one. Entire catalog's of amazing artists that never put out a bad album out of their 30... tons of them. It's insane! Not to mention how instantaneous it is to get it now a days, i could get in two days what some people spent ten years collected as they came out album by album. On top of that your on musicbanter, which is constantly dishing new amazing things toward the community. *sigh*

It's so easy to get over your head, and no, it will never end. Just do what Satch does and throw down a good album and relax, enjoy something that you took the time to let grow on you and just float in it's comfort. It's the very reason I burn Cd's, so I can use a CD player, turn off my computer, and listen to something familiar and great just laying on my bed. Then you start to remember, just in that one albums whoa, what it's all about in the first place.
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