Originally Posted by music_phantom13
Yeah... I just need to listen to some Dino and remember what's great about music  I've hit a point where I think I need to just say **** it, I'm just going to actually legitimately buy all my music and that way I'll never be overwhelmed by having too much.
I actually go through the exact same thing once in a while. TOday was very much like that. Nothing cures it like pulling out an out a great and trusted album and just giving it your undivided attention.
There will always be gaps in your collection and there will always be new and fantastic albums and artists that you haven't heard yet. Sometimes you just have to resign yourself to that fact and quit obsessing for a little while.
It's like the guy who spends so much time working that he has no time to spend his money. Sit back, relax, put the music search on hold for an hour or two, or even a day or two, and just get completely lost in some of the great music you already have its what its there for.
The great hunt will continue when you're done, but you won't feel so overwhelmed about it.