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Thread: Fake IDs
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Old 07-17-2009, 09:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by swim View Post
The worst thing about a 21 year old drinking law is that venues and booze go together. I'm 18 can't go see bands I like. Balls. Has anyone bought a fake ID off le intrawebs? Anyone got scammed? This is serious business.
Easiest thing to do is find someone (possibly one of your friends) who's 21 and who looks at least similar in appearance and buy his ID card. The money would allow him to get another (and say that he lost it), while you keep the old one.

When you go to a concert or whatever, make sure you're wearing a hat, maybe sunglasses, or basically anything that would make it hard to point out any obvious differences between you and the photo.

Most of the time the bouncers are just checking age because there's so many people to go through, and that's really all they're responsible for.
I can tell you something... My previous driver's license photo had been taken in 99, but then re-issued in 06' with the same photo... and I recently got a new one a couple weeks ago. The difference in those photos is vast, as I look nothing like I did in 99.
Point is, I'd been carded I don't know how many times and I never once got any suspicious looks due to the photo looking so different from my actual self.
I come naturally to the conclusion that they rarely compare the photo.

As long as the ID card or driver's license is legit, they won't have an instant suspicion that would get them focused on anything beyond finding out your birthdate.
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