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Old 07-17-2009, 01:56 PM   #6 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Alex Keaton View Post
It's like food, how you should try everything once. Variety means trying everything, not enjoying everything. Everybody should listen to beatles and nirvana ONCE, but the two are so different it makes no sence to LIKE both of them.
You are truly the most self illusioned person I've ever come across in my entire 28 years of existence.

If it doesn't make sense to you that a person can find two polar opposites in music appealing to particular personal tastes, then you are truly the most narrow-minded individual in the history of mankind, who is so ignorant to his own inability to see beyond his horribly limited periphery, that he mistakenly believes his resulting logic is of a correct nature.
Do yourself a favor and any time you have a thought, verify its validity with a person who's actually human, because I don't think you can even claim that title.

Oh, and have fun eating the same exact thing for the rest of your life.
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