Music Banter - View Single Post - Michael Jackson has died...cardiac arrest
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Old 07-13-2009, 01:07 PM   #333 (permalink)
Bringer of Carrots
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
I don't think Jackson was ever really "himself" in his music.

I mean, he sang about girls a lot.

And not a badass? Dude. He had a flying car, could turn into a giant robot that shoots laser beams, and knock out a band of thugs with the power of dance.

Have you not seen Moonwalker?
he was himself before he was put under pressure to be Michael Jackson (if that makes any sense). Thriller put tremendous pressure on the guy I bet, how do you top the best? I'm honestly not sure whether the guy was into girls or not, the more I research the more I get the impression he was just extremely shy and insecure about himself but not necessarily homo. So him singing about girls doesn't strike me as odd as does him singing about how he's gonna kick some ass. I think there is a difference between acting in a movie and acting on an album. You expect and encourage an actor to play various roles from movie to movie, you would think the actor sucks if he played the same character every movie but with a musician you tend to want consistency with character from album to album.
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