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Old 07-13-2009, 11:40 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
Great band. I got their debut, I Just Can't Stop It the other day - very interesting fusion of ska, reggae and dub there. It's a shame they didn't get as big as their 2-Tone labelmates like Madness and the Specials, because from what I've heard they were just as good.
It's really hard for me to compare the Beat with the other 2-Tone bands. Every so often I try to connect with the music but I just can't. Maybe it's just me but their music just sounds so Top-40-Pop compared to The Specials, Madness, and my absolute favorite 2-Tone band: The Selecter.

Now, The Beat may very well be the best musicians in the bunch but they seem to be lacking the punk element that makes the other bands so interesting. I dunno - I'm sure I'll keep trying..
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