Originally Posted by Flower Child
Spoiler Alert!!!!!!
I watched "A Clockwork Orange" yesterday. That movie plumb wore me out. Twas very weird. My mom and I disagreed, though, about the main character. She said that he was faking being cured the whole time until the very end when he made the deal with the doctor, but I thought that after he jumped out of the window was when he went back to being his normal self. I say this because when he jumped out the window he got over the fear of being "snuffed out" which was the whole point of the treatment was to correlate that feeling with violence, and I think when he got over that fear, thats when he went back to his normal self.
Hmmm. Does that make any sense at all? What do you guys think?
No, they successfully brainwashed him but the way the story plays it. They make it seem like when you have an injury like that it jars whatever programming you get from being brainwashed which isn't true but I didn't over think it or complain about it while watching the movie.