Originally Posted by boo boo
And there's no evidence that the black hole is gonna do anything in 2012. Black holes don't just slowly suck up a galaxy and then all of a sudden swallow the whole damn thing hole.
There's no scientific basis for any of this, there's even people who think our solar system will move to the center of the milky way by 2012, which anyone who knows a goddamn thing about astronomy will tell you is impossible.
Some of you people watch way too much History Channel.
I watch it a lot, and even I know when to say "Ok, this is obviously biased and paid for by a specific market".
The big thing with people is they think that if a source has the word "science" in it, it's infallible. It's as though all someone has to do is make a documentary spewing crackpot ideas in the form of an equation and suddenly everyone's writing a thesis on it.
If people would learn to think for themselves at LEAST half the time, we'd have at LEAST half of these threads to deal with.
(And all the companies who will invariably make money off this 2012 stupidity would get half a paycheck. That's half the battle right there.)
If history has taught us anything, it certainly wasn't a class doomsdayers ever took.