Originally Posted by djchameleon
I know what singles are supposed to do. Sometimes they just pick awful singles that's why I listen to the album in full anyways. Majority of the time I find hidden gems on an album that had a shoddy single.
You lose respect for a band because of their fan base and not their musical content? what?
I should have probably thought that statement out more clearly. Sure I hate most Arctic Monkeys fans sense they tend to focus on Alex's looks rather than actual music output but it's no real reason to lose respect for band (I think FWN and the new single are already doing that) because other bands have suffered from the annoying teenage girl fanbase. Such as Blur, with their catchy songs and good lucks they had a small army of teen girls ranting on about Damon's good looks but luckily they were able to lose them with their self titled album. And I completely agree with adidass about the 'I love the Monkeys for their energetic punk rock' thing, which is why I found most of FWN to be boring and non memorable. You can go on and on about them going for something new and trying to change things up but they really shouldnt be doing that, not at this point in their career atleast. If you sound great doing something on thing you really shouldn't go to another thing at the drop of a hat.