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Old 07-06-2009, 12:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3
Default Can you answer these questions? Legal and other.

I have a new idea for a music site. I want to make a place where music-lovers can discover new music and musicians can get their music out.

The way I want to do it is by allowing people to send in their own music and I will post it in a clean cut, creative way. Ideally I would want all types of artists
- local garage bands wanting to get their music out there
- signed, but very small artists wanting to increase visibility
-songs from bands that are already known, but others may not know about them (e.g. this would require actually posting artists songs w/o their permission. Like posting something from a personal music collection)

I also am trained in SEO - so I'm confident I can get people coming to the site.

My questions are:

1- What are the legal issues here? I don't plan on allowing downloads - only listening. Am I required to get permission to post this music. I'm wanting a "NO" here - knowing there are tons of sites out there where you can listen for free.

2 - What other sites are already doing this type of thing or a similar type of thing? I've searched, but only have come up with some small ones.
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