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Old 07-05-2009, 11:47 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Sorry for forgetting about this my many avid readers(HA!)

#3.III(2009)-Maylene & The Sons of Disaster

A long, long time ago my buddy Alfred sent me the ablum, II by Maylene, and I was really into it, because it sounded like one of my favorite bands at the time Every Time I Die. When I downloaded this album, I wasn'y sure whether I'd like it or not, because in the time between I had strayed away from band slike Every Time I Die. I was pleasently suprised to find they MAylene had strayed away from that sound. It is depending on the song, a lot heavier and lighter then most bands that can be classified "southern metal", and I was blow naway by the lyrical content when compared to other band sof the genre. The album starts out with angry yelley, guitar heavy Waiting On My Deathbed, reminescent of their previous work, but much more complex. This album like heaven for fans of guitar hooks, and there's not better example then the opening track, and the third track, and my personal favorite, Just A shock. Which also features one of the only well-done breakdowns I've heard...ever. The album isn't all a great example of when metalcore can be good, it also has it's lighter, more sensitive parts. Example: Listen Close, something I wasn't excpectig at all from this band. Their last album had Tale of The Runaways, but this is no ballad. Not only does it have one of my favorite opening riffs that they've ever done, but also by far the best bass line of any of their songs. I would go as far to even consider the track 'alt-country', and while it's not lyrically one of the best tracks on the album as a whole, it does contain everything else I was wanting more of after hearing II. We then reach The Old Iron Hills, a nostalgic track with a chorus that will definatley make you sing along. As the album comes to a close, the biggest suprise of all unfolded. The track Oh Lonely Grave. The intro is pretty much their best attempt at the sensitivity that they tried to convey in Tale of The Runaways. But then it breaks into the heaviest minute on the entire album. It then switches up again, and becomes an almost orchestral ballad. Definatley one of the best songs on the album. Overall, I was blown away by the changes that took place between II and III, and this is a mus tlisten for anyone wanting to try something new.
Top Tracks: All of them
Overall Grade: A-
Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
What? No. No. No. No no no.
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