Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I found myself agreeing with a lot of that article.
Hopefully not any of the Nirvana related stuff.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
As for this, I got the impression he was talking personally the effect it had on him, not culturally.
I don't know. He sounds like he never liked Michael Jackson, so why would he talk about him being "dethroned" in any kind of personal sense?
The thing is I'm not coming at this article with any kind of Michael Jackson fanboy goggles on—I think he did what he did well, but a lot of what he did just isn't my bag—but still I see the attempt at contrasting him Nirvana as pretty silly. He talks about how Michael Jackson's tabloid presence and whatnot overshadowed the music, and I agree. But I'd also say the exact same thing about Kurt Cobain.