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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 07-01-2009, 10:01 AM   #585 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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I just read this Newsweek article about Michael Jackson called "He Never Made Me Moonwalk" and I'd be interested in hearing what some of you think about it. One of the central points of the article is that Nirvana was a "musical regime that dethroned" Michael Jackson. Honestly, I think that's a pretty absurd claim to make. Nevermind may have been the next album to hold Billboard's number one slot after Dangerous but that hardly means Nirvana dethroned him. I mean Nirvana sold a lot of albums but they certainly didn't sell nearly as many as Michael Jackson and they were much more of a niche band whose popularity did not cross racial, ethnic and national borders the way Michael Jackson's did. Beyond that, the most ridiculous claim implied by the author is that, while Michael Jackson was "a man consumed by the incendiary mega-ness of his stardom" and whose "stardom doomed him to a tragic adulthood", Nirvana were somehow the antithesis of this.
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