Best stuff to listen to when u want to sleep!
We all know what its like to come home pissed, trying to keep it down so your parents don't awake and start a tyrade of screams and questions at you! But you can't quite get to sleep because your still buzzing from the rush of the numerous JD's and coke, or whatever stimulants you've taken... if you do, anyway i suggest smoking a few joints or listening to these bands very quitely:
Pink Floyd, any album, doesn't even matter if you like them when your awake! It's like whale music for people who aren't... well tossers... the soothing melodies and lovely calm singing just sends even a hyped up crack addicts to sleep, if there are no distractions and you have the will power to go to sleep!
Also as heavy as some songs can be, I find when I'm revising, if I ever bother, Tool is the greatest to listen to... Maynards voice is almost as though it were in the background and you rarely find yourself distracted because your singing along with it.
Well thats basically it, I have other bands to recall to you, but time i do not have... adios nite nite boys haha Happy Chilling
Bodom After Midnight baby!
xxxInFErNeuSxxxMichael ListerXxXxFormerly SiDxxx