John Williams - Star Wars
For the first 12 years of my life the Star Wars theme was my favorite tune. Iconic stuff!
Led Zeppelin - The Box Set
My parents bought this and it was the first thing that ever really made me pay attention to music.
Nirvana - In Utero
After listening to Zeppelin passively, I still wasn't an active fan of music. I'd hear songs on the radio now and then, enjoyed playing a few Zeppy songs while on the computer, but when I heard the single "All Apologies" on the internet, I became fascinated with the band. I scoured the interent (and at this time I didn't know about torrents and such) for more, but all ended up getting was a scattered collection of random, lo-fi songs.
Finally somebody gave me the album In Utero. I listened to the whole thing the first time I spinned it, something I had never done before. I was never real angsty and it seemed like everything on the modern rock radio was nothing but pure testosterone. I immedietly realized I was listening to something.. different. It's art, not angst that I was interested in. It really got me into interested in music.
the Pixies - Surfer Rosa and Doolittle
These two albums introduced me to what has become one of my favorite acts of all time.
Hans Zimmer - The Dark Knight
This soundtrack inspired me to pursue film music, which landed me my current job. It's a great listen and a great film.
The Notorious BIG - Ready to Die
In terms of popular music, for a while I was the typical 'rock not rap' teenager. As soon as I decided to open up I picked up this album, and now I'm an avid hip-hop/rap fan.
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Listened to it a year ago and it completely changed my mind about pop music. I wasn't afraid to listen to pop because it was "uncool" anymore.
Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced
Made me a Hendrix fan!