Here's my 10, in no particular order.
1. The Beatles, The Beatles ('The White Album.')
They are my earliest music-related memory, I remember listening to my dad's Beatles records as a child.
2. Tool, Ænima.
This was the first Tool album I ever heard, and I had never heard music like it before. I remember being overawed by their odd time signatures, progressive nature, and experimentalism. It influenced my love for the music I listen to today.
3. Tool, Lateralus.
Another Tool album because this album got me through some strange times in my life.
4. Jeff Buckley, Grace.
What can I say other than this album is amazing and I love and continue to be influenced by his music.
5. Tori Amos, Little Earthquakes.
I love her and she inspired me with my piano/ songwriting/ musicianship.
6. Radiohead, Kid A.
When I first got together with my band we covered a lot of Radiohead songs from this album (and others). I have a lot of good memories with it
7. Karnivool, Themata.
I remember buying this album and seeing them live at the tiniest venues. Now they are huge in Australia. I love how I followed them all the way through to their success.
8. Korn, Issues.
Because it is the reason I met all of my current friends whom I love and couldn't live without.
9. Tori Amos, Boys for Pele.
Another Tori Amos one because this one got me into heaps of feminist stuff that is really important to me today.
10. Nirvana, In Utero.
When I was in primary school, my mum used to play this CD all the time. I loved it. Pretty sure it's influenced my love for rock music.
It was hard to pick only 10 and this list probably changes throughout the year. Depending on what I'm going through at the time. Sorry for not picking cool random obscure stuff.