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Old 06-26-2009, 04:25 PM   #2 (permalink)
MB's Biggest Fanboy
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Originally Posted by FaSho View Post
#4.Hail To the Theif(2003)-Radiohead

A few months ago, I was an avid radiohater. I then found The Bends and fell in love with the cliche alternative sound of it. As my taste in music improved, as it has greatly the last three months, I discovered the addicting, almost unclassifiable sound of Ok Computer. They were the only Radiohead albums that i liked, but earlier this week i was willing to complete their discography by downloading Hail To The Theif, a great decision on my part. It sounds completly diferent from The Bends, and OKC, but it has it's own unique and very impressive sound. The album starts of with 2+2=5, a song I'd heard much about before getting the album. It is definatley remiscent of their earlier work, as it starts off with Thom's slow, sootihng voice I've come to love, then fades into a blaring mixture of energy, a very solid track. The album continues to take a unigue path with the next tracks Sit Down, Stand Up and Sail To The moon, the latter being almost aballad of sorts. Then we come to one of my favorite songs on the album, Backdrifts. It sounds very electronic, like some of the slower songs on the previous album I reviewed. It is also lyrically one of my favorites, starting off the track with the biting verse:
We're rotten fruit
We're damaged goods
What the hell we've got nothing more to lose
One gust and we will probably crumble

Then we get to songs that are very Bends-ish, which I found to be a suprise after hearing the first four songs on the album. Especially the song Go To Sleep, which to me sounds like a very unique take on folk music. The second half of the album starts out with anothe runexcpected turn with The Gloaming. I feel i could give this album a much higher rating if it wasn;t for this one track. It's borderline unlistenable, because it's just noise for the most part, and not in a good way. The lyrics are also sub-par for a Radiohead song. Thankfully, the album returns to the previous styles of the album throughout the last few tracks. The one exception is my favorite song on the album Myxomatosis. Humourous lyrics, with a very serious undertone, coupled with soem of the best percussion work Radiohead has ever done, makes it so listenable. It would be one of the first tracks I would tell someone trying to get into Radiohead to listen to. This album is very underrated by Radiohead fans, and I can understand that, as it does sound very mainstream at points, and we all know how Radiohead fans are
Top Tracks:Backdrifts, Where I End and You Begin, Myxamatosis
Overall Grade:A-
It was a great review until you got to that part. I love you FaSho, but you're so wrong on that song. The song gorgeous and probably my favorite from HTTT. Perfect bass in the background that sneaks up on you, and the whole song has a wonderfully eerie feeling to it. Lyrics are sub-par?

Genie let out of the bottle
It is now the witching hour
Genie let out of the bottle
It is now the witching hour
Murderers, you’re murderers
We are not the same as you
Genie let out of the bottle
Funny how, funny how

When the walls bend, when the walls bend
With your breathing, with your breathing
When the walls bend, when the walls bend
With your breathing, with your breathing
With your breathing

They will suck you down to the other side
To the shadows blue and red, shadows blue and red
Your alarm bells, your alarm bells
Shadows blue and red, shadows blue and red
Your alarm bells, your alarm bells

That's quintessential Thom Yorke writing right there. Not straightforward, a wee bit pretentious, and a little creepy. It has the styling of a lot of my favorite Radiohead songs actually. Seeing it live is what got me hooked, so try this out cause this is the version I saw:

Skip to it at about 5:25 though, cause it's stuck together with Weird Fishes at the beginning.

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