Originally Posted by winterslastbreath
sooo i guess me and jibber are the only girls who know what they like in a guy.
ick.. i think i'd question the guy's sexuality if he had a piercing down there.
Haahaa I just saw this, so I'll reply

Well I think I've dated to and been attracted to all kinds, but for me now I definitely think it's sense of humor and intelligence above everything else. The guy definitely doesn't have to be a model but I need to on some level find him attractive. I tend to like quirky, nerdy guys so that tends to attract me, while it might not someone else. I tend to be drawn to the creative types with offbeat personalities.
ex: I was having a conversation with a male friend of mine and he was commenting how he went out with a bunch of guy friends and they went to a bar. One of these guys apparently is a bit odd, and he went to the bar and asked for a glass of chocolate milk...when my friend was relaying this story to me, he was like what?? why would you order milk at a bar? For me, I was like omg that's the ****ing coolest thing ever! Hook me up! lol
I love guys that march to the beat of their own drummer and don't care what others think, don't try to impress me with money, have a sense of personal style, but don't look like they spent hours attempting to dress "cool"
ok I could go on but that's all I'm writing for now...lol
I still maintain though that for every guy there's a perfect girl and vice verse so it depends on the person. What i just described may be the exact opposite of what someone else would be looking for, so it all depends I guess. And hell you may fall in love with someone who is exactly the opposite of what you expected which is exactly what happened to me so go figure
okies my 2 cents :P