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Old 06-25-2009, 09:05 PM   #74 (permalink)
From Hank To Hendrix
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Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction View Post
LOL... it's not a perspective, it's a logical observation.

It's like one person saying "2+2 equals 4" then you saying "Actually, it equals 3", then someone proving it, then you saying "oh I know.. it was just a joke..." then you saying afterward "Yea, I just really wanted to see if you guys were good at math or not".

I've been around long enough to recognize when people are covering up their mistakes.
But I'm not here to grill you about it, I'm just saying, don't waste your time covering for it. Because if eventually your efforts work, they will have only worked for you.
Yeah I (again) totally understand your viewpoint or your 'logical observation' but I do things like that all the time and people conceive it as Im trying to cover up mistakes. Its just my way and it shows that you just dont really know me. I aint gonna fucking argue right now anyway cos I need to go to bed like, before the sun comes up lol.

Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
Watch what happens when we change just a three little words (by my doorstep)
Originally Posted by Mirrorball95Doppelganger
Yeah if I could get a big one, say from Neil Young or something, id stick it in. I'd just get sick.
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