Music Banter - View Single Post - Michael Jackson has died...cardiac arrest
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Old 06-25-2009, 05:49 PM   #56 (permalink)
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I just posted this in the Pop/Michael Jackson thread...didn't realize there was this thread about his death.

RIP Michael Jackson. You may have turned into a weirdo and put out some less-than-listenable material at some point, but you were undoubtedly a pop icon and put out some true classics in your prime. Your music was among the first I remember liking as a child.

As mentioned by someone else, I also witnessed the world premiere of the BAD video on MTV, as well as Black & White and probably some others. This was already past his prime, but it was still a big deal. I was alive for some of the better ones like Billie Jean and Thriller but don't remember the premieres.

Anyway, this is quite shocking news.
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