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Old 06-20-2009, 04:50 PM   #26 (permalink)
Kamikazi Kat
Music Addict
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Mostly in the basement while I'm using my laptop, I usually listen with headphones. I really should try listening in other places, I think they can make for a nice experience. I've listened to cds while riding my bike (I ride on this really long bike path to avoid traffic so I can just ride without having to worry about cars and stuff) and it was a cool experience. I like listening to music while walking. Its less boring then sitting so my mind can be completely focused on the music. Its been even more enjoyable since I got a nice pair of sound canceling headphones, I love that feeling of just walking around my neighborhood and everything else but the music is completely muted, all the activity around me such as animals and cars are nice to look at while listening to music. I'm starting to have more time to get outside and listen to music since I'm on summer break from school right now.
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