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Old 06-19-2009, 11:58 PM   #799 (permalink)
carpe musicam
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Originally Posted by crash_override View Post
If you took the time to count all the posts in the entire thread then I must first say you're very weird. However, if that is just an estimate, then I can laugh it off. I think it's hands down Beatles and from everyone I've ever had this conversation with, it's no contest.

Prehaps The Rolling Stones vs. Poison would be a more sensible poll?
First off, you don't have to think, it is The Beatles winning this poll sans the Stones billion point lead.

I only siad what I said in jest because of post like this one:

Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
The Stones 99.90% of the vote..
I always thought that The Stones vs The Beatles debate was very 50/50..

So I don't know if you are going to laugh or cry or whatever when I tell you this but I didn't have to count the votes, and it's not an estimate. When I wrote that post it was The Beatles 1,000,058 to The Rolling Stones 1,000,000,050. A little math and it's The Beatles 58 to Rolling Stones 50. Looking at it now its The Beatles 1,000,061 to the Rolling Stones 1,000,000,052. It doesn't take a rocket scienctist to know that it's The Beatle 61 & The Rolling Stones 52.

Irregardless of the poll numbers, if you are a Beatle fan I hate to break it to you but the Rolling Stones are much better!
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