THe prodigy -Fat of the land This was the first album i ever bought and it set up my future in music by liking both Metal & Hip hop
Slipknot -IOWA when i was a teen this album and like most kids my age at the time spoke to me in terms of anger i guess :P it was Heavy Dark & Black
DOWN II- a bustle in your hedgerow My dad had Black sabbath and Zeppelin i had down my gen version of Sabbath they are a "Super group" the talent in this band is throw the roof also being from the South there Swampy Sludge sound clicked with me
KORN-Issues i have always been a big korn fan but playing this album with FF8 was just a perfect match IMO lol and both the music and game are just slick dark cold and spooky
King Geedorah-Take me to your leader this was the first rap album since like the cronic the flooredd me its simply a classic nothing needs to be said its like