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Old 06-19-2009, 10:35 PM   #268 (permalink)
The Abominable Homan
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These are more in the order of their appearance in my music collection, to show highlights of how my music tastes have grown over time.

Outkast - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
The first album I ever owned. Yes, I didn't own any music until 2003. When I was young I simply listened to the radio and wasn't hugely into music. Looking back it's really just decent and weaker than OutKast's other work, but it led to me hunting for other OutKast albums and set off the chain of events that caused me to be on MB today.

Common - Be
So I went along for a while, listening to a bunch of mainstream rap, nearly none of it any good. When, by chance, I happened to get this album. I didn't love it at the time as much as I do now, but it helped show me there was more to rap than Lil Jon and Ludacris. It actually sort of helped set my later hatred for the rap I used to listen to in motion.

System of a Down - Mesmerize
Then everything changed. I heard BYOB and really enjoyed it. It was different from anything I listened to at the time, but good nonetheless. Quite heavy by the standards of someone who's heard nothing but pop and rap on the radio as well. I ran out to gt Mesmerize, and spent hours upon hours listening. This also was when I got into music a lot more.

Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe 1970-1978
My next one is, unfortunately, a greatest hits compilation. I now largely dislike them (greatest hits albums) and have deleted it from my library in exchange for getting the real albums, but it was important to me at the time. Right around this time I had begun to hate all rap (because I had really only been exposed to the bad stuff), and was listening to not much other than metalcore and nu metal. But hearing this helped open me up to a lot of the classics in metal, and began my love for metal that's still going strong.

Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
This was my first introduction to indie (through a friend), and remains one of my favorite albums to this day.

Mr. Bungle - Disco Volante
I had some small developments in rock, but no other albums really worth mentioning here. However, at one point a friend recommended this to me (well, it was part recommendation and part... warning almost) saying simply that I would leave it a much less sane person. As far as I can tell, he was correct, though the two may be somewhat unrelated. Was I ready for this album? No, not at all. It was abrasive, it was insane, nothing was normal, and...I want to say I loved it, but I didn't. Not for a while. It took several (pretty much forced at first) listens to be able to begin appreciating it. I always loved it for the sake of "Wow look at how weird this is," but didn't initially enjoy it as music. This album is the reason I now like avant garde and experimental music, and most likely the reason I have a wide range of tastes in the first place.

Sonic Youth - Goo
Another mind and taste expander. While more accessible than some of their earlier works, this was my first introduction to noise rock. It made a nice transition, and helped me get into noisier things.

Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass
By this point, I pretty much absolutely hated rap. Every bit of it. But my friend convinced me to give Aesop Rock a try, and I loved it. It was then that I realized that not all of rap is what you hear on the radio. That said, I've managed to get into a bit of mainstream rap now (Wu-Tang Clan, OutKast, etc), though a lot of it isn't current. Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle was the main reason behind this (and almost got a spot here, but was cut from the list at the end).

Death - Symbolic
My first true death metal album, and still one of my favorites. This paved the way for me to get into much heavier stuff and expand into other metal sub genres. A classic in itself, and a gateway to much more for me.

John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
This one was actually quite recent for me. I've had an interest in jazz for a while, but not listened to much outside of fusion and the like. This was my introduction to jazz music (such a predictable choice to start with, I know), and an absolutely wonderful album.
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Last edited by The Abominable Homan; 06-19-2009 at 10:59 PM.
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