Originally Posted by right-track
As I've said before, there's more than one ingredient to being British. Britishness is in many ways, as difficult to define as the American Dream is to an American
This is driving me ****ing batty.I would say its much harder to define Britishness than it is to define the American Dream.
Ignore the twatbox peanut gallery here who condems america for all the "attrocities" we commit while other countries are just as god damned bad. Listening to anyone who's only spoken to other like-minded peers is no way to get to the truth.
I get my persepctive on this country from foreigners who've come here, And in the recent past a Bulgarian, a Indian, a Nigerian, and a Korean have all told me that when you see the horrors of our nations past, understand that these skeletons sit in the closet of every country and that for all our flaws, we're still allotting more freedoms to more people than just about every other country.
I know this is only marginally on topic, but our dream is far more simple, since stuffy-British propoganda is omnipresent here.
When American's think British people, there are three kinds; Mr. Monopoly, Mr. Bean, or Bon Scott (i know, i know but its what they think)