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Thread: Mogwai
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:53 PM   #180 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Ok, I think I've given myself enough time to make a personal judgment about Mogwai.
I got all the albums and listened for a week or so, and personally, nothing they do is very interesting to me.
In fact, I find their music rather boring.
I guess it would be OK to use as mood music very low in the background, but nothing of theirs really jumps out at me in an inspirational way.
In fact, I find myself a bit depressed after listening to their stuff.

It's not that everything I listen to is extreme in any way, but I like to be engaged in music, and Mogwai doesn't provide that.

So I guess I'll just let the torrent seed 100 percent and delete it after that. No sense in taking up space on my drives. Sorry Mogwai.
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