Originally Posted by JKSmith
Everything you said is wrong
1. It never says it was an apple tree.
2. Cain never had a wife. He was exiled. Besides, he and Adam, Eve, and Abel weren't the only people. There were lots of them, they intermarried for millions of years until God decided it was wrong for family to marry family.
3. I'm an extremely open-minded person. It's YOU that's closed-minded. I searched for years before I became a Christian.
I think the accepted idea is that Cain married a relative, which wasn't such a faux pas in those days. Cain and Able lived later than Adam and Eve anyway, so it's possible that there were more people around. But it's all a moot point anyway, as that part of the bible is almost all metaphorical (or so you must believe if you wish to be taken seriously by logical people).