Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Secondly, as far as the hat indoors comment goes. I have little use for the idiots who do that sort of thing. I don't think of it as rude at all, I just think the people who wear hats all the time tend to me anti-social, insular, boring people.
And you know what, why the hell wear a hat indoors anyhow?
I wasn't debating whether or not someone SHOULD wear a hat indoors, I was wondering why they can't wear a hat indoors, especially in the South, without being seen as rude. Hell, you can get detention for it at my school.
Similarly, people who won't abide by 'moments of silence' shouldn't be made out to be pricks that are blatantly disrespecting the dead/tragedy/etc.; they're just disregarding the inane ritual itself as meaning anything.