Gothic Country/ Americana Vol. 3
Found myself with a little bit of extra time and decided to make a new Gothic Country mix tape. For those of you not aware of what it is, I created a thread on it in the Country, World, and Folk section (
Gothic Country/ Americana Thread) in which I explained the basic concept of it and gave a few examples, and have been adding to it whenever I find a new band. Anyhow this is my third mix tape, with all new artists that I've found within the past two weeks, hope you enjoy it.
01. "After The Soil Fails" -
Curtis Eller's American Circus
Found these guys a few days and was able to procure their album with relative ease. If you like story telling and history then these guys are for you, I'm still not well versed in their songs, but this one really stood out for me.
02. "Cursed Neck" -
Wow, these guys are really something else. Incredibly dark, melodic, and great story tellers. It was a tough choice just choosing one of their songs, but this one about a Preacher sent to kill a man by a woman was just such a good story.
03. "Gone To Jericho" -
The Peculiar Pretzelmen
Not really sure what these guys are, they've got a dark cabaret sound to them, but at the same time some of their songs sound like something you'd hear in the Louisiana bayous. If you like
Tom Waits then you'll love these guys.
04. "Killer In Texas" -
Another one of the new groups I got this week, apparently these guys have been around for a while and have set up quite the fan base. Extremely good country rockabilly with Gothic overtones.
05. "Blood In The Valley" -
Sons of Perdition
These elusive little ****ers were quite the pain in the ass to track down, and I eventually had to grudgingly buy their album off Amazon, but whatever, I finally had it. These guys are just as dark as
Those Poor Bastards but nowhere near as harsh on the vocals, which is something that can turn off a lot of would-be fans.
06. "Wapole Prison Blues" -
Angry Johnny & the Killbillies
Found these weirdos yesterday and by god are they ever fun to listen to. Fast, in your face, and rough around the edges... I haven't really absorbed their music much past that point, but it was a good find none the less.
07. "Devil's Eyes" -
Creech Holler
Very good group I found a few weeks ago, made a youtube video for this song and posted it in the Gothic Country thread that got some decent reviews. Again, these guys are a bit more together sound wise, very rockish, great album that's all I gotta say.
08. "Swamp Witch" -
Haunted George
You thought
Angry Johnny & The Killbillies were weird, well
Haunted George puts them to shame. These guys seriously belong in a Quentin Tarantino movie or something. With a serious fuzzy and rough rockabilly sound and armed with a voice that sounds like it's being channeled through an old '40's speakerphone, they are not a force to be reckoned with.
09. "Damn River Rising" -
Hank Ray
Solo outing for this guy, can't say I know much about him though, I've been getting so much music in the past few days that he's managed to elude a decent listening from me. I recall liking this song though, which is why it made on the mix tape.
10. "Honest Girl" -
Gulf of Michigan
Again, a group I don't know much about, however all their stuff was available for free from Unfortunately it's all EP's with three songs each. This song worked pretty well with me though, hope it works for you.