Originally Posted by Sonace
Surprise surprise, an arrogant newbie 
I was being somewhat tongue in cheek. Then again, I fail to see how spending a lot of time posting on this messageboard really gives you a position of authority or judgement over me.
Originally Posted by Sonace
Like I said before this isn't a set of rules, it's based on principals of living a clean lifestyle. It was started so kids could enjoy punk rock music and not die at age 20, is it really that bad? Not everyone who is a virgin claims to be straight edge and those who do are obviously just posing. Living a clean lifestyle is just the movement that he started, and if kids don't want to do drugs or have sex until they are ready while doing the stuff that really matters (making and listening to great music), then there is nothing wrong with that.
You need a movement in order to live a clean lifestyle? Why can't you just say "no thanks"? I don't think it was some kind of drug abstinence program designed to lengthen the lives of punk kids. If it's nothing more than a lifestyle then it doesn't need a name or the movement or a tattoo or anything anymore than vegetarianism does. If it has to be cool to be edge before it's acceptable to say no to drugs then that says more about the moral turpitude of edgers than the heathen morality of everyone else. This is perfectly demonstrated in how you think people who aren't virgins that claim to be edge are "just posers". Comments like this undermine your argument that it's a passive way of life and just go to illustrate how it's really a way for people to deem themselves morally superior to others.
I was reading the wikipedia article on this and came across this line: "The militant straight edger was characterized by... the willingness to resort to violence in order to promote clean living." Obviously not all edge people are militant but that line is ridiculous enough.