Music Banter - View Single Post - The Urban 100 - 4 Years On (Now With Added Authors Commentary)
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:24 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Time I started this I think......

100. Dalek - Absense (2004)
Holy **** this is just brutal.If you want sheer raw noise this beats about 99% of most metal albums i`ve ever heard.Which isn`t bad considering it a hip hop album. If only more hip hop was like this.And no I didn`t choose this because of the Doctor Who connection , so there.

Favourite songs - Asylum (Permanent Underclass), In The Midst Of Struggle, Opiate The Masses

99. Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup (1996)

Ahhhhhh , Krautrock influences mixed with pure pop melodies and not to mention Laetitia Sadier`s gorgeous horny voice.There is just so much going on in this record dance , hip hop , electronica , pop , rock , jazz , dub....... you have to listen to it again & again just to get everything.

Favourite songs - Metronomic Underground, Cyberies Revenge , Les Yper-Sound

97 Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets (1973)

I`ll be honest , i`ve never actually heard that much of Eno`s solo stuff.Not even the album he did with David Byrne. I bought this album for the simple reason that it`s his first solo album AND because basically it`s a Roxy Music album without Bryan Ferry. It` s a lot more guitar based than I imagined an Eno solo album to be and the lyrics are just plain odd.But it does have this quirky charm to it. Very strange yet very compelling

Favourite Songs - Needles In The Camel`s Eye , Baby`s On Fire , Driving Me Backwards
Holy **** this list is starting off great. I found Dalek because of a thread someone made on here a while ago - perhaps jackhammer? I'm not sure. But I've loved them since. Emperor Tomato Ketchup blows my mind. It's such an eclectic mix, but maintains that same Stereolab sound throughout. A masterpiece in my mind. And Brian Eno... well, I'm not a big fan of Roxy Music, but I do really appreciate his solo stuff (the little bit that I've heard anyway). Looking forward to finishing reading this list, and a new one if that's what you meant and there is indeed an updated version on here. Guess I'll find out!
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