Huh. Strangely enough I never really knew too much about your taste in music before (other than that you like C86 and love Elvis Costello) but with this read I discovered I have quite a bit in common with you that I have yet to write anything about on this thread. I'd like to do a top 100 sometime soon, in fact I've been working on it for a couple weeks now and figured I'd go through and see how in depth some other members were. I discovered your reviews will, no doubt, put my list to shame. This was a great read, and I really enjoyed a lot of the stuff on here. Any chance I could get 4, 9, and 21? That's Talk Talk, The The, and Tangerine Dream. And that's bizarre, the 3 artists that I most want to check out from your list all start with t's and two of them have two repeating words for the band name. I know that's kind of a big request, but if you ever get a chance I would be forever in your debt to return some great music.