I haven't been here too long, so my list of members is pretty short. Sorry if you arent on here and I talk to you, its probably just cause I don't know what to put.
Jackhammer: He is such a sweetheart and I have much to learn from him, especially in the reggae field.
Urban Hatemonger: He is so likeable, and I can't help but respect and look up to him. But when I try to picture him all I can see is a big red smiley face. haha
crash override: He is my friend and we have alot in common. He is so fun to joke around with and he always has something funny to add.
Comus: He has a wonderful vocabulary
Savannah: I havent talked with her but I hear like classic country. Good for her
I'll add more
Elephant Sack - It seems we are similar in alot of ways, not just in music but also in humor. And I could probably carry on a conversation with him all day. It just seems like I've known him forever.
JayJamJah - Wise, and cool as a cucumber. I got plumb giddy when I saw he had posted in my journal. I always have to say his username out loud for some reason.
333 - In my opinion the coolest chick on musicbanter. I actually didn't even realized she was a girl for a while, just because of her spunky style of typing, I guess. AND She likes alot of the same music I do, which doesn't hurt.
WWWP - Also awesome, though I don't even think I've talked to her at all. She can pull out a really funny one every now and then that makes me laugh.
TheCellarTapes - I am in awe at his journal. So well organized and insightful. No offence, but I think he and Comus would make a great couple, or at least great parteners in reviewing albums and such.
Alfred - Yes this has been said a hundred times but I can't believe his age! Not only are his musical tastes mature, but he just a really mature kid in gerneral.
Sonace - I coulda swore he was bumpin 30 years old and shocked to find out how young he was, and also I like is avatar. We need to talk Jimi some time, man.
Boo Boo - The king of lists. I find him to be kinda geeky, but he makes geeky seem pretty cool. I always like reading his posts.
Here's my more seasoned opinions and impressions of everyone than the ones I did a while back
Gavin B.
This guy really interests me. Says hardly anything about himself like age/location so he leaves a strong impression of mystery. Very intelligent, and very argumentative. He says some things that really p
iss me off, but then he'll turn around and leave a really nice comment about something. Gavin B., you intrigue me.
Urban Hatemonger
What can I say, I adore this guy-- and his jelly baby money box folk duo. I think the reason I like him is because we are so different in every way imaginable. He has introduced me to some great music that I would have never dreamed I would ever like. And the day he told me he liked Johnny Paycheck was a day I will always remember. He's the first member I like hearing from when I come back from a hiatus from the forum.
I have a special connection wih this guy because we have a lot in common, I can easily joke with him, and he is about the only other person on this forum who is knowledgable in the classic country area.
One of my favorite people on the forum. She is so effortlessly cool, and I am extremely jealous at her skills on guitar and her pretty singing voice. We both hate "Two and a Half Men" and Nicolaus Cage so that makes her double cool in my book o' cool.
I look up to Jackhammer so much, and to be honest, I have a slight crush on him.

Partly because he's good looking, and partly because of his wild taste in music that is
way over my head. Is there one person on this forum that doesn't like Jackhammer? No. There isn't.
He is so open-minded about music, and has really surprised me with the interest he has in classic country albums thread. I was really happy to see that he became a mod, he is just mod material. Genuine, always polite to everyone, and actually cares to read what people are posting.
Well, hasn't she made an quite an impression for the time she's been here

Anyway, she hasn't given me any reason not to like her. She is nice and cute and trendy. More power to you, kayleigh. Oh, and youare just a tab bit older than me
savannah I have to change my opinion about savannah. The more I've gotten to know her, the more I believe that I am going to be watching 20/20 Mystery one night and see that she drunkenly flirted with the wrong guy and ended up in a abandoned mine somewhere. Not that I don't like her, its just that I know her type. Kansas runs rampant with savannahs.
I might add more later