Originally Posted by right-track
Actual conversation I overheard between two old blokes on the bus just the other day.
1st old bloke: I heard Sid died last week.
2nd old bloke: Aye. I heard. At least he can't be nagged by that woman of his anymore.
1st old bloke: Aye! *long pause for contemplation*...I bet he was glad to die.
I heard a very similar conversation when I was living in Wales at a Wetherspoons.
I'm not really sure what constitutes being British I mean without stereotyping. One thing I noticed was that British men are far more reserved about their feelings towards other people. I'm in kind of a unique position because I have British citizenship, lived in Wales for 8 months, and was raised by British parents, while living in North America, so I kind of saw both sides.