Originally Posted by Fruitonica
Gruvis Malt gets a fair few plays by me, a really cool blend of styles with a mellow vibe.
I've been a bit lazy since then, although Warsawpack has always been on my mind, and that video you just posted was so awesome that I was startled into downloading it on the spot.
I can always count on you to point me towards good hip hop, so those entries will always get the most attention from me. The other genres you've been upping haven't quite appealed to me as much. But at some point in time I'll have to dive into Gothic Country because it sounds pretty cool.
I'm glad
Gruvis Malt and
WarsawpacK are agreeing with you. As far as the Gothic Country is concerned, I would suggest going back in my Gothic Country thread to the beginning, I've been adding to it ever since, but I don't really think it's been catching anyone's attention

I'm doing a massive Gothic Country upload this week, so if you're interested I can just give you the link to my folder and you can download at your own discretion.