Originally Posted by Piss Me Off
Big 3 Still think he's cryptic, sorry! Good guy though, just a bit more venomous. Once you latch on to his tone you're fine.
Yeah ya pussies learn my tone!
Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic
Thebig3killedmyraindog- You are pretty much never nice to me, and most of what you say is unneccesilarily harsh or accusatory. However, what you contribute to this forum greatly out weighs any snide remarks towards me.
Oh...really? Sorry man. Drop me a line, say hello. I'm less fierce than I'm made out to me.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Use it in an essay. It's a liberal arts school sounding word. I guarantee an A+.
#1 phrase to jump up a letter-grade on a lib. arts paper: Aristotelian mirror.*
*Must be used correctly.