Music Banter - View Single Post - Minutes silences for particular events....
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:22 AM   #62 (permalink)
Burning Down
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It's sad to know that it's people like you (Gareth Brown and Wayfarer) who probably wouldn't take a moment of silence on November 11th to reflect on the sacrifices that people (regular people just like you, might I add) made in order to attain the freedom that you are enjoying today (which has also enabled you to say such things).

You don't have to have known the people that this moment of reflection is concerned with, frankly, most people probably don't give two shits if they knew the person or not. It's just out of respect that society ASKS you to take a minute out of your day to be silent. Heck, you can think about whatever you want, no one can read your mind, so if you're thinking "this is so stupid" nobody will even know or care for that matter!
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