Thank you for explaining high latency and how to diagnose the root(s) of the problem. I will work on getting the answers to the three questions you posed.
I wonder if it is possible that I don't have the right/best sound card? When I got the ACID program, I simply installed it, read the (not-so-helpful) manual, did the online tutorial, plugged in the microphone into the computer, and (after changing computer settings so the microphone's input actually got used by the computer), I tried doing some voice recordings (which worked). When it came time to test out the electric guitar, I discovered through my naive experimentation that connecting the amplifier output to the computer microphone jack did not work (it gave odd distorted sounds...not at all like the actual guitar sounded), and after a little reading I decided it sounded as if I was missing the appropriate "sound card," because the computer wasn't able to process correctly the electric guitar signal straight from the amplifier and guitar. Rather than solving that problem I simply fell back to using the microphone placed 2 inches from the amplifier!
It is very true that the delayed drum recording was the last track to be recorded. I like your idea of reversing the order of my track recording, with drums first, to see if the system is indeed being bogged down by having prerecorded tracks. I generally end up with around 7 tracks on the screen (with only several being used) by the time I get to the I wouldn't be surprised if that causes some delay!
Yes, you are definitely right that trying to compensate by drumming before the beat did not work, because it gave inconsistent recordings, exactly like you said! I then hoped to do just what you in time to the music, and use the computer to nudge the tracks so that they line up to my ear...but I could not figure out a way to add time to just one track (ACID always seemed to add time to *all* the tracks). I will investigate this more, though, because a lot of my problems obviously stem from me not knowing enough about the program or the computer.
I will also try doing what you advised when recording, which was to use the metronome for recording the first track only. That makes sense, given that the goal is to have the tracks mesh with each other.
Thanks for taking the time to give such a thorough response. Your answers to people's questions are always helpful and detailed, and I am honored to have received some!
Jmhdrumm3r17, I will work on my human metronome skills!