sweet nothing: He has given me so many albums, introduced me to so many bands, and made me laugh so many times. Our taste in music is very, very similar, and I consider him to be my very best friend on this site.
adidasss: I have always been drawn to g
ay boys and Marijan is no exception.

He's cute and sassy and we have similar taste in music.
dac: I think that we would be friends in real life. I can see us hanging out at a party, talking about music and astounding everyone with our knowledge and wit. Oh, and he introduced me to Olivia Tremor Control so major cool points for that.
dreadnaught: I don't know much about her general music taste (because she won't conform to the ways of lastfm!) but I love her for this: YO LA TENGO. She's one of my favorite posters because she's smart, funny, and just has an air of cool about her.
fasho: It's been said before, but I'll say it again: I wish I was as mature as he is at his age. I found Iron & Wine because of him, and he's shared a lot of albums with me. If you can get past the fact that he has lice he's a really cool guy.
janzoon: One of my top 3 favorite posters. He never fails to make me laugh, and I'm happy he was made a mod.
lucifer sam: It seems like a lot of people get pissed off and annoyed with him pretty easily, but I enjoy his brutally honest posts and his solid stance on things.
molecules: If you ever need somone with excessive knowledge of good pop music, you should turn to this guy. He's incredibly smart and funny, and even though he might get offended easily, he gets over it quickly.
pobodys nerfect: Anyone who sends me albums without me even asking for them is awesome in my book. (I just downloaded the Smalls album, I'll report back soon.)
comus: His radio show is awesome, his album reviews are fantastic, and the few times I've talked to him in the mb chatroom he won me over with his intelligence and sense of humor. Even in his hateful posts toward Radiohead he makes me laugh.
roygbiv: I love his album reviews, I love what he does to my pictures, and I love his sense of humor. He's so obviously a nice guy, and I always look forward to his posts.
savannah: All hell will indeed break loose if we are ever together. Savannah has an amazing personality, and there is no one quite like her. I love when she logs in at night because you know she's drinking and you know you're in for a good time.
sleepy jack: Another of my top 3 favorite posters. His intelligence is sometimes intimidating, but in a good way. When I first signed up here I thought he was g
ay, so I was drawn to him, but upon further discussion I learned he's just fuc
king feisty and I love it. I'll never meet another person quite like him.
thrice: One night on aim + bunch of drug stories starting with "I was all fu
cked up over this girl" + a lot of laughs and innuendos = my first encounter with Nick. I haven't seen him around lately, but I hope he comes back soon. He's got good taste and an awesome sense of humor.
toretorden: Here we have the final member of my top 3 favorite posters. I adore his personality, his in-depth repsonses to things, and his ability to disagree without losing his cool. He's incredibly easy to like, and absolutely genuine.
veridical fiction: I have no idea what music he likes, but I find him hilarious and insightful. His posts are always honest and he makes interesting threads.
PMO: WHERE ARE YOU?! It's really starting to piss me off that you're not around. (Lol geddit?) I've liked him from my start at this forum, and even though we're the same age I feel like he is far superior in intelligence. We have kind of similar taste in music (lastfm rates us at "high") and I've always found him attractive, both mentally and physically.
big3: I have never really talked to him... but I've wanted to. I find him pretty intimidating, but at the same time I think a lot of what he says gets misconstrued. He's pretty snappy sometimes, but I haven't been a target so I can't complain.

He's a really talented writer, and I love that his reviews are unique and full of voice.
coryallen2/darkest hour/mirrorball95: I really fu
cking hope you all disappear.
surell: Well, I liked him at first. I adopted him as my n00b but I must have done something wrong because now everything he says gets on my nerves.
alfred: I've bothered him for several albums in my time here, and he's always sent them with a smile(y). I agree that he's the nicest poster here, and I enjoy his posts.
fireincairo: My favorite contributor to the songwriting forum, and one of my overall favorite members. I haven't seen him around lately, and that makes me sad.
333: This girl... I like her. I don't know anything about her music taste, but due to the sexual experience thread I know a lot about her sexual preferences. She cracks me up and I like her fiestyness.
right track: His posts never fail to entertain, he's always witty, clever and classy. When I joined last year he taught me all about winrar, and now I feel like I owe him so much. So thank you, RT.
jackhammer: I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said about this gentleman. An incredible collection of music, and an overall nice guy.