Originally Posted by coryallen2
O thats good. I just get the mental image of a fist punching you in the face sayign I have you on a leash why were you out past 8.
..Have you seen me? Most people think twice about punching me just by stature alone.
She's really good about letting me do what I want. I think it's more over in the way I approach situations with her. I've always been with girls who take the lead, and I'm cool to follow.
She wants me to take the lead now and it's just new territory for me.
She likes how overly sweet I am, and how silly I get.
I just think I need to man up and show her that I do have some kind of bite.
I'll just do it gradually, I guess, that way it's nothing too shocking or drastic.
I think I just gave myself the advice I needed.