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Old 06-09-2009, 05:34 AM   #780 (permalink)
Way Out There
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
wrong! The Rolling Stones did Beggars Banquet.
If you weren't always so quick to be negative and took the time to ready what I wrote, you'd understand that it was a comparison to BB.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Hold on let me get my fishing boots on, OK I'm back, I glad I got them on because you are really shoveling the **** tonight, Wait a minute, what do you call Ob La Di Ob La Da? If that ain't feel good pop then what is?????? You are talking like you never listened to The Beatles aka The White Album, dude.
One of the least impressive from the Beatles canon. What Lennon would describe it as a "granny song". He thought it sucked. It wasn't even released as a US single!

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Did you ever heard any of The Beatle's earlier work? probably not.
If you don't think "Tomorrow Never Knows" is the cat's pajamas and revolutionary for it's time, then you're an olive short of a pizza.
That's f__cked up. You're focusing on one song, as opposed to an album. You yourself said, Rubber Soul and Revolver could have been packaged as a double album. Both are very similar, but I will say, Lennon does sound thrilled to be singing that tune, ending this sequence of albums with his best composition. He had an Ace in the Hole with that one.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
What do you call Yellow Submarine?? An Unlovable cartoon?
I'd stop bringing up this stupid soundtrack to a kids movie. It's the most embarrassing recording of their careers. Demonstrates more of a devolution.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
You're ridiculous as well, Oko Yono was a wet blanket that added extra stress to the already strained, interpersonalrelationship of members of The Beatles, and beside she kept John Lennon from joining up with his ol' bandmates once the dust settled in the 70's. I like her and everything, but that doesn't mean I don't think she had absolutely no part in the untimely demise of The Beatles.
Give John some credit. He may have used her as a way out. He was sick as sh__t of the bitchin and moanin between Paul and George and I don't think he had any interest whatsoever in hanging out with his "ol' bandmates".
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Last edited by almauro; 06-09-2009 at 09:27 AM.
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