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Thread: What is Punk
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Old 05-15-2005, 01:22 AM   #36 (permalink)
Six Shooter
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by Hairy McTouch
Punk was born in Thatcherite England ...
Punk was born in New york City my brother. The Dead Boys and The Ramones took rock'n'roll back after it had been hijacked by soulless fancypants and showponies like Yes and Boston, the pathetic arena-rock imbeciles who passed for rock stars around the mid seventies.

A certain Malcom McLaren was there to witness it and upon his return to Old Blighty he set about importing punk rock with the intention of setting himself up as some kind of punk guru. Through his inspiration by New York punks The Sex Pistols were born and the likes of The Clash and The Damned were massively influenced by them to start with.

But your point is right, even if it is unoriginal. Whining about your lovelife ain't punk. Punk is about fighting the apathy and mindless conformity of the mainstream. It always has been, since the Ramones and The Dead Boys began this whole mad parade.

p.s. Saying that punk is "doing whatever you like" is bull****. If George W does what he likes is he punk? When Hitler did what he liked was he punk? When Britney Spears does what she likes ...

Get the idea? If punk was as easy as doing-what-you-like it would be worth sweet **** all, just like everything else that is easy. For punk to have any meaning it has to stand for something.
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