Originally Posted by almauro
I believe it was the White Album that was the being of the "waning" period of Beatlemania.
Beatlemania was coined to discribe all the screaming fans at concerts etc., where were the screaming fans at when they stopped touring???
Originally Posted by almauro
First of all, if you knew anything about the history behind that album, it was Lennons conscious decision to change direction from pysch-pop, the uniforms and the hoopla in general. They got down-right scruffy, grew long beards and radical changed their style.
Well, if you knew anything about any Beatle's historical albums you would know they were constantly changing their sound and image,
Ad Nauseam!
Originally Posted by almauro
The record got very mixed reviews, and all those Sgt Pepper/Magical Mystery fans were deeply troubled and disappointed.
And so were the Beatlemania fans also deeply trouble and disappointed when they release the single/video,
Strawberry Feilds Forever. And The Beatles album fans were deeply troubled and disappointed when they release
We All Live In The Yellow Submarine, that too goes on
Ad Nauseam.
Originally Posted by almauro
Frankly, they didn't get it. Even George Martin stated the album would have been better boiled down to one LP. .
And some say that Rubber Soul and Revovler should had been a "double album!"
And The Bealtes thought what Capitol Records rearranging their albums a capitol offense. So how an ablum should be release, and how many songs should be on it is another argurment that goes on
Ad Nauseam.
Originally Posted by almauro
Your comment about concert performance is trival in comparason to the release and impact of the White Album.
wrong! The comment is trivia, not trival.
I don't know if you know that I know that Sgt. Pepper was more impactful on the general public then any album The Bealtes released, bar none, and that includes (or excludes whatever is the word I'm looking for) The Beatles aka The White Album.