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Old 06-08-2009, 11:40 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 4,538

In no particular order:
  • Right Track: Very helpful and insightful mod
  • Urban Hatemonger: Makes really funny, sarcastic posts and has alot of wit about him. Also a Lost fan, which is a big plus in my book
  • Verdical Fiction: Pretty cool guy, never too preachy about his music and he made a great thread (this).
  • FaSho: He likes great music and again, he's never too stuck up about anything.
  • Vanilla: Very nice girl and I hope to get to know her better.
  • Mirrorball95: Never leaves me hanging when it comes to defending his view points (even if they can be total bollocks). Very funny guy and we give eachother a hard time but I know we're cool.
  • Coryallen2: He won't back down, even in the face of adversity. I don't know if that's good or bad. He's always very nice and friendly, he seems like the kinda guy I could be pals with.
  • BooBoo: Likes some great tunes (skip the prog) and watches Lost and plays Wii. What's not to like?
  • Sleep Jack or Crowquil or Ethan or whatever his name is: Always funny and has made some cool threads.
  • Jackhammer: I've never had any serious complaints about him, but he doesn't like Star Wars and that's a problem.
  • Grunge_Junkie: Seems a bit narrow-minded, his posts can vary from good to down right terrible (much like mine, I suppose).
  • Lucifer_Sam: After 2000 posts, I think it's time to change the user title.
  • Odyshape: Has done some great drawings, he needs to post more!
  • Surrell: The raptor Jesus shall always be a favorite of mine. His posts have been going a bit downhill lately, which is dissapointing.
  • Stone Birds: We get along but he can be a tad self-absorbed.
  • sweet_nothing: I don't come accross his posts a whole lot, but it's always a good experience.

Last edited by someonecompletelyrandom; 06-08-2009 at 03:09 PM.
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