Originally Posted by 333
Okay, so good to hear. For a minute there, I thought you weren't familiar with their their albums and just started talking about of your ass. If I were you, I'd give Facelift a listen. And you're right about Cantrell - Boggy Depot was very reminiscent of AIC, and for that, I didn't dig it the first few times I heard the album, either. Even after acknowledging it for what it is, I still skip through a couple songs for the simple fact that I have my own problems and I find no interest in hearing Jerry moan about his. I feel like we're switching roles here, but Jerry does get boring to me sometime. His vocal range isn't that impressive and lyrically, he's kind of a pussy.
I have posted with Mr Dave since way back in the day I can confidently say the man never talks out of his ass. Very knowledgeable member he is. As for Cantrell being a "lyrical pussy'', that's kind of harsh.